Youth and Sports Ministry is getting ready to launch the third edition of Nasser International Leadership Fellowship 

Youth and Sports Ministry is getting ready to launch the third edition of Nasser International Leadership Fellowship 
Dr. Ashraf Sobhy:
South-South cooperation and Non- Aligned Movement youth is the slogan of the third edition of Nasser International Leadership Fellowship
Relying on history can help us to resolve modern problems.
The Ministry of Youth and Sports is preparing to launch the third edition of the Leader Jamal Abdel Nasser fellowship entitled "South South Cooperation and Non - Aligned Movement Youth," scheduled for next June.
The third edition of the fellowship is based on discussion among participants, knowledge of the lessons learned from the Non-Aligned Movement, their impact on the world, the establishment of foundations for the role of the youth of the Non-Aligned Movement, the formulation of a new concept corresponding to the realities of our time, the possibility for them to represent the minimum political and economic interests of their States, the realization of their role in the Partnership for South-South Cooperation, based on the values of justice, peace and opposing the evil, violence, and war in the world.
For his part. Dr. Ashraf Sabhy, Minister of Youth and Sports, stressed the importance of the youth at the present time paying tribute to the values of non-alignment as a soft and diplomatic force capable of addressing the cold war and consolidating the frameworks of peace and security in the world, pointing out that relying on history can help us find solutions to modern problems, and that it is important that the modern Aligned Movement is going to begin again from Egypt.
Nasser International Leadership Fellowship Task team believe that the historic moment requires us to make room and space for what the Non-Aligned Movement and its historic project, launched by world leaders in 1955, following the Bandung Conference, can offer. Its root was the 29 States attended the Conference and as a result of the cold war that broke out between two great Powers at the time: The NATO, led by the United States of America, and the Warsaw Pact, led by the Soviet Union, in order to prevent the policies that gave rise to that war. Indeed, the Movement has played a great role in the maintenance of peace and security and the eradication of colonialism, even, new States with sovereignty over their territories have emerged, and in more than 50 years the number of Non-Aligned Movement member States has reached more than 116.????????