Bandung conference principles

Bandung conference principles
The Ten Principles For “Afro- Asian People Solidarity Organization" It’s an Organization for Solidarity of the Afro-Asia people. It was established on 1958, as non-government international organization with A big effort, for the Principles of national Liberation, and the Solidarity of the third world. This is one of the authorities which come out from Bandung conference in Indonesia which was held on April 1955. It was as an answer for the invitations of presidents of governments of India, Burma, Pakistan, Ceylon, and Indonesia on the decree of Bogor on 1954. Thus, this includes an invitation to the countries of Asia and Africa; encourage, cooperate and understand their peoples. Moreover, solve problems which were results of colonization and segregation. So, it had national committees on more than 90 countries on Asia and Africa, and it had Associate Members` Committee in Europe and Latin America.
The conference was one of coordination and cooperation aspects between peoples of the independent continents of Asia and Africa. The movement of those peoples it was in a divided and disturbed international weather, this is was happened after world war ||. As A result of this tragically war the world divided into two conflicted parts between the capitalism system with the head of the United States, and the socialist system with the head of the Soviet Union. During that, most peoples of Asia and Africa were suffered from colonization which occupies the land and takes all of their fortunes. Also, it suffered from tardiness economic, poverty and conflicts between them.
Bandung conference is a kickoff for which later was called Non- aligned Movement. The policy of positive neutral and non- aligned is the way which many leaders seeks to apply on relationships and situations of the present international conflict, and the face of polarization policy. During the conference the famous Ten Principles was decided as follows:
1- Respect the main human rights and purposes of the Charter and principles of the United States.
2- Respect the powerful of all countries and safety of their lands.
3- Refrain from any control of the internal affairs of other countries.
4- Respect the right of any country on the defense of herself alone or in groups, according to Charter of the United States.
5- Refrain of using the grouped organized defense for the vested interests services, for any of big countries.
6- Avoid works and threats and using violence against particularism safety and political independent, for any country.
7- Solve all the international conflicts with peaceful ways, as negotiation or correspondence.
8- Refrain of any country of put pressure on other countries.
9- Improvement the common interests and the mutual cooperation.
10- Respect justice and the international obligation.
It is worth to point that AAPSO cooperates with all the international organization and nongovernmental organizations which value the independence and peaceful for a world free from war and violence. Any new improvements in the present changes are considered guiding Principles for the activities of the organization.