Gamal Abdel Nasser Museum

Gamal Abdel Nasser Museum
Gamal Abdel Nasser Museum

Inside a small house in the Republican Guard camp in the Manshiyat al-Bakri area east of Cairo, the leader Gamal Abdel Nasser and his family lived... Inside the same house were the sad moments of the Arab leader's end. Despite his years of leadership and holding the highest positions in the country, he remained keen to stay still with his small family in this simple house, which witnessed difficult moments and times that shook the whole world during his rule. Eighteen years are all the years of his rule.

The dream of establishing a museum for the late leader remained just a dream for his fans and the people of Egypt. It tells through its contents the events of a difficult period in the life of the Arab nation, with which the whole Arab nation and the entire world interacted, until the Egyptian state decided to transform his small house in Manshiyat al-Bakry into a museum that tells a story. The life and struggle of a homeland through the life story of Abdel Nasser, after the small house was transferred to the plastic arts sector.

The story of the establishment of the museum:

The construction of this museum began in mid-2011, after completing all studies and determining the final vision of this important cultural project. After the leader’s family agreed to provide all his personal belongings, and the house is located on an area of ​​13,400 m 2, including two-story buildings on an area of ​​1,300 m 2, and the rest is a private garden for the house. Al-Zaeem, the second stage for the final finishes, and the third stage included preparing the house for the museum display.

President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi inaugurated the museum on September 28, 2016, coinciding with the forty-sixth anniversary of the death of the late President Gamal Abdel Nasser, which corresponds to September 28, 1970 CE.

Museum Components:

The museum consists of two floors, the main halls represented in the main offices on the ground and first floors, and the attached salons.

Presidential Hall:

He was receiving the most important leaders and personal contacts.

Specialized library:

It includes all books, research, and audio-visual materials that document the life of President "Abdul Nasser" and the history of Egypt in this era.

Honors Hall:

It includes 75 medals and medals, all of pure gold and some of gold and diamonds. And some of the gold and silver and all from all countries of the world. It includes decorations given to the president's wife during his lifetime.

The second floor is the personal role of the family, and it includes three rooms: the living room, the dining room and the bedroom.

People's Tale Hall:

The museum includes many documents and personal belongings of the late President Abdel Nasser, including his personal and family photos, clothes, photographic cameras, a set of pens, and souvenirs.


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