World Meteorological Day

World Meteorological Day
Clouds are of pivotal importance to forecasting and portending weather since they direct the circulation of water and the entire climate system. Clouds have long been an inspiration to artists, poets, musicians, photographers and countless others fond of them across history.
However, extreme weather, water and climate phenomena have become more frequent and severe in many places in the world due to climate change. The number of people vulnerable to the dangers related to these phenomena is bigger than ever, whereas these phenomena, in turn, undergo changes caused by population growth, urban sprawl and ecological deterioration.
Today, weather forecasts do no longer suffice. Instead, providing impact based forecasts (IBF) that warn people of weather effects has become a vital necessity for saving lives and livelihoods.
Therefore, on the 23rd of March every year the World Meteorology Organization of 191 members along with meteorology circles celebrate the World Meteorology Day all over the globe. This day marks the the effective date of the agreement of establishing the organization which afterwards had become a specialized agency under the United Nations System in 1951.