World Book and Copyright Day

World Book and Copyright Day
Through reading, especially on the World Book and Copyright Day (The 23rd of April), we can build bridges between us and others regardless of how far the distance is. Through reading we can spread the wings of our imaginations and fly wherever we want. That said, The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) set out to arrange the World Book and Copyright Day held on the the 23rd of April every year since 1995 to celebrate writers and authors around the world.
The 23rd of April was chosen for being a historical symbol in world literature; it marks the deaths of a number of renowned writers such as William Shakespeare, Miguel De Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.
The World Book and Copyright Day aims to highlight the significance of authors and the importance of books on the global level. Moreover, it also aims to encourage people generally and young people specifically to discover the joy of reading and respect and recognize the unique contributions of authors who took the social and cultural progress of humanity notches higher.
We've never been in dire need for reading as we're today.