Women on Nasser's agenda... Justice in Economic and Social Rights
The month of March is deservedly the month of women and Egyptian women in particular, where Gamal Abdel Nasser recognized for the first time on March 3, the right of Egyptian women to register in the electoral lists and run for Parliament according to the 1956 constitution.
The National Charter of 1962 wich endorsed by Gamal Abdel Nasser, says: “Women should have equal rights with men, and whatever shackles impeding her freedom must be broken off so that she can deeply and positively engage in social life. The family is the key pillar on which society is built, and must therefore be fully protected in order to enable it to become a guardian of national traditions reweaving the social fabric and moving society towards the objectives of the national struggle. A welfare society is able to formulate new moral values that are not influenced by the pressure forces left from the wounds that our society had suffered for a long time. Likewise, these values must reflect a free national culture and unleash the emotional effect of beauty in the life of a free person. ”
This photo is for women in a demonstration to salute President Gamal Abdel Nasser, after the recognition of that right for Egyptian women.