Ghazaly Meets Leaders of the Global Solidarity Movement in Latin America

Hassan Ghazaly, the founder of the Global Solidarity Initiative and the Nasser Youth Movement, met yesterday evening with a select group of youth leaders from various Latin American countries, including Ecuador, Colombia, Costa Rica, Brazil, and Argentina. Also present were representatives from research centers, civil society organizations, student unions, and political parties from different countries across the Latin American continent.
At the outset of his speech, Ghazaly welcomed the attendees and emphasized the interest of the Nasser Youth Movement International in Latin America, given its proximity to the Arab world in terms of shared cultures. He pointed to the movement's efforts to enhance cooperation with the Latin American side through various workshops, cultural programs, and events organized periodically by the movement. He also highlighted the need to activate African-Latin American and Arab-Latin American relations at the youth and people-to-people levels, and to benefit from the experiences of some Latin American countries in eliminating poverty and building civil peace through social justice.
In a related context, the youth praised the efforts of the Nasser Movement in empowering youth from various countries around the world and supporting issues of the Global South. They presented several proposals to enhance South-South cooperation through educational meetings concerned with Global South issues as a whole, such as peace, conflict resolution, international justice, and development, to be held on a weekly basis and attended by interested individuals from various youth circles. These meetings would contribute to the development of cultural relations with the Latin American continent.
Ghazaly concluded by welcoming all the ideas presented and confirming that the Nasser Youth Movement team would start working on them immediately after the meeting, indicating that the movement aims to provide an opportunity for students of Latin American culture in Egypt and the Arab world to meet with leaders from Latin America actively involved on the ground. He also emphasized that the movement welcomes all specialists, media professionals, and youth entities that believe in the principles of global cooperation.