Ghazaly meets with the staff of the official website of the Nasser Youth Movement

Ghazaly meets with the staff of the official website of the Nasser Youth Movement

Ghazaly meets with the staff of the official website of the Nasser Youth Movement, as part of the preparations for the fourth edition of the Nasser Fellowship for international Leadership 

Anthropological researcher Hassan Ghazaly, founder of the Nasser Youth Movement, met yesterday evening with the groups and sections of the Nasser website team, consisting of a number of student and youth cadres from different fields and disciplines, to discuss the most important challenges, plans, proposals and inquiries posed by these youth in preparation for the development of the site system and the clarity of its new plan in the coming period. In preparation for receiving the Nasser Fellowship in its fourth edition

Additionally, the official website of the Nasser Youth Movement provides an opportunity for language students and learners to train professionally by translating its content, which is published in five official languages: Arabic, English, Swahili, French and Spanish. The site also provides the “Articles and Opinions” portal as a comprehensive platform for young people to express their ideas and publish their intellectual contributions, writings and analyzes freely in the language they are fluent in.