The Gamal Abdel Nasser fellowship for International Leadership (Fifth Batch)
Under the auspices of HE President of the Republic, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, May 10 to 25, 2025, Cairo - Egypt
The Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership is one of the programs of the Nasser International Forum, which also includes (Nasser Youth Movement Program to Support Bilateral Relations, the Program for Training and Preparing Student Cadres in the Fields of Translation and International Media, and the Articles and Opinions Portal, which serves as a platform for youth opinion.)
The Fellowship constitutes one of the Egyptian tributaries that plays a role in supporting international development efforts by enhancing the qualification of deserving cadres through providing all forms of support, qualification, and training as a mechanism to prepare them for leadership and executive positions, and to benefit from their abilities and ideas. The Fellowship also targets young leaders with diverse executive specializations who are active within their communities and seeks to transfer the Egyptian development experience in the consolidation of institutions and the building of a national character.
The Fellowship is also one of the mechanisms for implementing each of the following: UN resolutions on youth, Egypt's Vision 2030, the 2063 Agenda for Africa, the UN Framework for Cooperation for Sustainable Development, the Ten Principles of the Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, South-South cooperation, the African Union's Roadmap on Youth Investment, the African Youth Charter, the Principles of the Non-Aligned Movement, and the African Youth Document on Peace and Security. The reference paper explains this in detail. For example, the Fellowship provides equal opportunity for both genders in accordance with the fifth Sustainable Development Goal, and also empowers youth and gives an opportunity for actors from different countries around the world to interact with each other and establish partnerships in various fields, not only at the continental but also at the global level, in implementation of the seventeenth Sustainable Development Goal.
As a symbolic extension of Egypt's cultural heritage, the Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership takes the Wing of Ma’at and the Seven Pillars of Egyptian Identity as a symbolic reference inspired by the depth of Egyptian history. Through them, it provides a philosophical and historical framework that reflects the essence of enlightened leadership and draws inspiration from the Egyptian heritage for universal values that are in line with the requirements of sustainable development and social justice. The Wing of Ma’at represents the values of justice, balance, and order, which formed the basis of ancient Egyptian civilization, and Ma’at was a universal symbol of wisdom, knowledge, and moral discipline. The seven pillars of Egyptian identity embody the diversity and integration of the national identity that combines seven affiliations: the uninterrupted history of ancient Egyptian civilization, the Greco-Roman dimension, the Coptic and Islamic religious beliefs, the African roots, the Mediterranean dimension, the Arab culture, symbolizing Egypt's historical ability to interact with different cultures while preserving the solidarity of its national identity.
Why Gamal Abdel Nasser?
The fellowship was named after the late leader, Gamal Abdel Nasser, as he is the founding father of the Egyptian Republic and the leader of the 1952 Revolution, which was called the Great Revolution due to its direct liberating impact on Arab and African countries. He was nicknamed the 'Father of Africa' and sought to support global liberation movements until their nations gained independence. Even the liberation revolutions in the Global South, particularly Latin America, which did not geographically intersect with the 1952 Revolution, were directly influenced by the national steps and decisions that supported Egypt's right to economic and political independence, as stated and emphasized by historical Latin American leaders.
The fellowship considers Gamal Abdel Nasser's leadership to be the most prominent among numerous national leaderships that emerged from the womb of developing nations (Africa, Asia, Latin America), and one of the most unique leadership models. Apart from his revolutionary role, his institutional role at the national, regional, and international levels laid the foundation for confronting imperialist ambitions towards the region. This is crystallized in his strong contribution to the establishment of organizations that united the peoples of continents (Asia, Africa, and Latin America):
- The Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia, and Latin America: This organization, established in 1958, fought resolutely and steadfastly against the apartheid system and wars, striving for peace. It also provided support for the struggles of peoples in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
- The Non-Aligned Movement: Founded in 1961 under the leadership of President Gamal Abdel Nasser, Josip Broz Tito, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Ahmed Sukarno, this movement played a significant role in maintaining international peace and security. It aimed to distance itself from the policies resulting from the Cold War between the Eastern and Western blocs. Cairo hosted the first preparatory meetings.
- The Organization of African Unity: Established in 1963, this was the first organization to create a clear form of African integration, later known as the African Union.
- The Organization of Islamic Cooperation: Established in 1969 following the arson of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, this organization aims for cooperation among Islamic countries and is now the second largest intergovernmental organization in the world after the United Nations in terms of member states.
Nasser fellowship for international leadership
The fellowship was first launched in 2019 as the first African-African youth fellowship, coinciding with Egypt's presidency of the African Union, under the auspices of the Prime Minister's Office. This was done to tangibly transfer the Egyptian development experience in the context of activating the concept of African cooperation and integration, in which Egypt plays a leading role. After the first edition, the fellowship received the patronage of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, and expanded to include the continents of Asia, Australia, Latin America, and Europe in addition to the African continent, which became known as South-South cooperation, making it accessible to all young people around the world.
About Previous Batches:
- First Batch 2019: Targeted young African leaders with the participation of 120 young men and women from 28 countries, under the auspices of the Egyptian Prime Minister's Office, and coincided with Egypt's presidency of the African Union.
- Second Batch 2021: Came under the slogan "South-South Cooperation" with the participation of 150 young leaders from 42 countries across three continents (Africa, Asia, and Latin America), under the patronage of the President.
- Third Batch 2022: Came under the slogan "Non-Aligned Movement Youth," with the participation of 170 young leaders from 65 countries around the world, and was also under the patronage of the President.
- Fourth Batch 2023: Under the slogan "Non-Aligned Movement Youth and South-South Cooperation" with the participation of 150 young leaders from 55 countries around the world, aiming to highlight the role of Non-Aligned Movement youth in developing South-South cooperation in a rapidly changing world and ways to develop this cooperation through youth as an influential and sustainable mechanism, with a focus on the role of women, and under the patronage of the President.
Over five years, the fellowship has reached approximately 590 participants from 90 countries, and about 34 local, continental, and international institutions and partnerships. The delegations met with about 15 ministers and 35 ambassadors from the Egyptian diplomatic corps and representatives of many countries from around the world. In addition to its local media success, it has received positive feedback from international news agencies, and its media coverage has exceeded 450 print, audio, and electronic media platforms and newspapers. Its success has achieved the concept of sustainability with minimal resources, resulting in about 67 development initiatives and projects.
The documentary video of the fellowship (fourth batch) can be viewed by clicking on this link. (for online version)
Fellowship’s long-term viability
The Nasser Youth Movement initiative emerged from the womb of the Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership. This pioneering development model was launched five years ago on July 23, 2019, to create a new and dynamic network of youth relations characterized by high ideals and solidarity. Its branches around the world have been continuously launching events, initiatives, and programs to develop youth and enhance their skills through training and qualification, as well as building partnerships and finding ways to cooperate among countries worldwide through its graduates in 67 countries across four continents: Asia, Africa, Latin America, Australia, and Europe. They have launched numerous development programs in the field of youth qualification, empowerment, and entrepreneurship to serve their countries.
Over the past few years, the Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership has garnered global acclaim, and its success has achieved the concept of sustainability with minimal resources. Its impact has extended to approximately 11,700 beneficiaries of its projects, and its branches have now reached about 67 countries. These branches foster cooperation, partnership, and uphold high ideals, solidarity, and integration. They welcome not only the fellowship's graduates but also all those who believe in the principles of multilateral integration and cooperation.
The movement has resulted in several cultural and community initiatives, most notably the “website”. (for online version)
The fellowship’s official website
Believing in the significant role of providing a space for creativity and the importance of documenting all field activities, the website was launched in five languages. It serves as a global youth platform that documents the work and activities of the Nasser Fellowship everywhere, monitoring their impact. It also allows youth, influencers, leaders, researchers, and thinkers from all over the world in various fields to express their opinions and analyses, and share their scientific articles, intellectual, and literary contributions through a platform titled “Articles and Opinions”. To participate, one can submit their work for publication on the portal.
The website represents one of the most prominent forms of cultural sustainability through technology, with an average of 22,456 visits from about 123 countries around the world. It contains approximately 4,956 articles on a wide range of topics, including politics, arts, literature, history, and media. These articles are created by around 223 volunteers from graduates and student cadres who specialize in media and languages in five languages (Arabic, English, French, Spanish, Swahili, Russian, and Urdu through social media platforms.)
The website also contains more than 170 statements and media coverage of the fellowship members' news, serving as a special electronic archive for them that documents the most important milestones in their professional careers. This enhances their active participation in the fields of social and cultural development. In addition, the 'Articles and Opinions' portal, which was recently launched and contains about 485 articles in the five official languages of the website, is open to all young people worldwide and covers various fields and specialties.
Strategic goals of the fellowship
- Investing in youth who are active in their local communities.
- Maximizing a culture of volunteering and political participation.
- Proposing economic alternatives and highlighting the partnership between the Global South.
- Raising awareness about the historical role of the Non-Aligned Movement and its future role.
- Creating educational programs on advocacy and support for cultural and environmental issues.
- Transferring Egypt's long-standing experience in establishing and building national institutions.
- Fostering a civilized youth dialogue and networking the most influential young leaders in the Global South.
- Integrating youth and women into the roadmap for peace and security by building their institutional capacities.
- Providing an opportunity to build a youth bloc for the Global South and create a generation of young leaders with a vision aligned with South-South cooperation.
The fifth batch’s Theme: Egypt and the UN – 80 years Representing the Global South Issues
Egypt participated in the founding of the United Nations in 1945 and has since played a pivotal role in supporting the causes of the Global South. It has adopted a vision that combines its commitment to the principles of international justice with the pursuit of achieving independent development for itself and the peoples of the developing world. For 80 years, Egypt has been a model of a state that balances national commitment with global openness, striving to amplify the voice of the Global South and strengthen cooperation among its members.
Since its active participation in drafting the UN Charter, Egypt has recognized the importance of the United Nations as an international platform for defending the causes of developing countries. With Egypt playing a pivotal role in the independence of many Global South countries in the 1950s and 1960s, Egypt even led intensive efforts to support these countries within the UN before they gained independence by sending national leaders from Cairo to New York to present their just causes to the General Assembly, believing in the principle of solidarity and conveying the voices of the peoples of the Global South.
During the colonial era, Egypt played a leading role in supporting national liberation movements and used its UN membership to convey the voice of these movements to the international community. Egypt has always been a strong voice in defending the rights of peoples to self-determination, and through its diplomatic role, it has strengthened the position of liberation movements as part of the international agenda.
With the evolving role of the United Nations in supporting sustainable development, Egypt has remained at the forefront of countries seeking to strengthen this path in the Global South. In line with the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development, Egypt has launched several initiatives aimed at:
- Strengthening regional cooperation through joint projects with African countries, such as the electricity interconnection project between Egypt and neighboring countries.
- Transferring development expertise, as Egypt contributes to transferring its expertise in building national institutions and economic development to developing countries.
- Empowering youth and women as key drivers of development by enhancing their participation.
Over the past eight decades, Egypt has actively participated in all issues related to international peace and security, whether as a non-permanent member of the Security Council or through its forces participating in UN peacekeeping operations. Egypt is one of the largest contributors of peacekeeping forces, reflecting its deep commitment to supporting stability in conflict-affected areas. Egypt has also focused in recent years on activating the principle of South-South cooperation, which aims to strengthen cooperation among developing countries to address common challenges. This approach is part of a comprehensive Egyptian strategy aimed at:
- Exchanging expertise and technology through joint educational and development initiatives.
- Promoting intra-trade to reduce dependence on northern markets.
- Developing regional infrastructure to enhance economic connectivity between Southern countries.
Despite the achievements made, developing countries still face significant challenges such as poverty, climate change, and economic inequality. Based on this, Egypt believes in the importance of strengthening the role of the United Nations in addressing these challenges by reforming the international structure to ensure more equitable representation for Southern countries in global decision-making, as well as strengthening sustainable financing mechanisms to support development projects in developing countries, in addition to empowering youth as future leaders who carry a sustainable vision for growth and progress.
Targeted segments
- The grant targets 150 leaders from around the world, with a 50/50 gender split and an additional 5% allocation for male and female persons with disabilities.
- The target groups include decision-makers in the public and private sectors, graduates of Arab League programs, African Union programs, UN programs, and the National Academy for Leadership, as well as executive leaders in the public and private sectors, representatives of national committees for the World Youth Forum, representatives of national branches of the Non-Aligned Movement Youth Network, civil society activists, presidents of national youth councils, sports federations, athletes, members of municipal councils, young party leaders, university faculty members, researchers at strategic and think tanks, members of professional syndicates, media professionals, journalists, content creators, social entrepreneurs, etc.
Objectives of the fifth batch:
- Focus on multilateral cooperation.
- Highlight UN resolutions related to youth & Global South issues.
- Celebrate the 80th anniversary of the United Nations.
- Strengthen youth dialogue at the international level.
- Provide dialogue spaces for participating youth from all continents.
- Spotlight the issues of the Global South and South-South cooperation.
- Enhance the role of women and youth in peace, security, and volunteering.
- Activate the strategic framework between Egypt and the UN at the youth level.
- Highlight Egypt's role in supporting the issues of the Global South within the UN system.
- Raise youth awareness of the UN's role and its impact on Southern issues through simulations.
- Activate mechanisms to build leadership networks that support the independence development.
- Focus on the achievements of the UN in supporting sustainable development in developing countries.
- Highlight the role of the Global South in supporting the core issues that promoting international justice.
- Present practical models of cooperation between developing countries and the UN to enhance development partnerships.
- Enhance understanding of institutions and their role and capacity in protecting the social fabric of UN member states.
- Empower youth by exposing them to UN development experiences to enhance their capacity to support their countries' development issues.
- Strengthen youth cooperation networks among participants from various developing countries and support sustainable collaborative initiatives based on the values of solidarity and partnership among the South.
- Reinforce the concept of "non-alignment" in the new international order by studying ways in which the Non-Aligned Movement can play a greater role in supporting Southern issues.
Expected outcomes of the fifth edition
- Highlight Egypt's role within the United Nations over the past 80 years.
- Rebuild youth trust in UN institutions, particularly the United Nations.
- Raise awareness of the UN's role and its projects at the national, regional, and international levels.
- Launch sustainable joint initiatives in participating countries in cooperation with local grant partners.
- Develop a United Nations simulation model to familiarize participants with the organization's bodies.
- Raise awareness of multilateral cooperation and strengthen its role and its impact on various levels (cultural, social, economic, and political).
- Introduce participants to UN tools and develop participants' leadership skills, focusing on development and international cooperation tools.
- Revive the spirit of solidarity and partnership by promoting shared values among participants to create international initiatives serving the Global South.
- Strengthen cooperation with the UN by opening new channels of cooperation between grant alumni and UN organizations in the field of sustainable development.
- Build a foundation of trust and understanding based on equality and cooperation between European youth organizations and youth organizations from the Global South.
- Increase international awareness of Southern issues by disseminating recommendations and reports on the issues discussed during the grant events, with extensive media coverage.
- Facilitate dialogue between youth from various cultural backgrounds to create new spaces for understanding, especially between youth from the Global South and youth from the North within the framework of the UN's rules.
Logistic coordination:
- Location: Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt.
- Study Duration: Two weeks (from May 8 to June 27, 2025).
- Implementing Entity: Ministry of Youth and Sports (Global South Youth Bureau)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Multilateral Affairs and International Security Sector)
- Patronage: His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic.
- Language: English.
- Age: 18 - 40 years.
- Website:
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