Why will propagating the Nasser Movement be beneficial for the world?

Why will propagating the Nasser Movement be beneficial for the world?

By: Vishnu Priya Ganesh 

The Nasser Movement has its main ideology as Pan-Arab nationalism. Gamal Abdel Nasser was such a visionary who was able to foresee long ago that Pan-Arab nationalism could only save the region and maintain stability. But today's global scenario is far from this ideology. Middle Eastern countries don't stand united today as a whole, and the regional instability here is mainly due to disharmony between the Arab countries, which is only benefiting Western countries' ideologies.

Egypt lies at the heart of the Arab world. A great and advanced civilization flourished here thousands of years ago, but today, like every other country, Egypt is also facing an environmental crisis, which is weighing heavily on its economy, where the country is not able to be even self-sufficient in the food sector! This environmental crisis is also a major factor in fueling the instability in the region.

Like how our bodies survive on oxygen, the world survives on trade. The Suez Canal plays a major role in global trade, as it forms a major part of the world's trade route. When the economy of Egypt struggles to meet its own ends, it becomes hard to focus on strengthening the country in other necessary areas. Hence, countries strong enough to dominate take advantage of this situation to have power over the Suez Canal region, which was actually the case during the colonial era. Now, again, this will not be fair for all the countries to benefit from, so this further fuels disharmony between Arab countries.

It’s important that Egypt should find ways to diversify its economy and invest more in R&D to tackle the country's environmental and socioeconomic issues. Countries that are technologically advanced can help Egypt in dealing with these issues. Since helping Egypt will also help the global economy, as the heart of global trade lies here, when there's stability in the Suez Canal region, trade remains undisturbed, which will positively impact product prices. Otherwise, most of the goods that are hindered through the Suez Canal take a longer path through the Cape of Good Hope to reach Southern countries, where the end consumers have to bear these costs. Since the cost of living in these countries is usually pretty low and not as high as in Western countries, consumers find it difficult to bear these costs.

It's important that all Southern countries, which follow a non-alignment policy, come closer to work on bringing stability to this region.

The Sinai Peninsula is an uninhabitable place, hence many illegal hidden terrorist groups operate from here and also cause issues along this Suez Canal trade route. There needs to be MoUs signed between Egypt and Third World countries to tackle terrorism in this area.

As long as there is disharmony between Arab countries, the region will be controlled by foreign elements, which is not just detrimental to Egypt's economy but for the Third World countries as well.