Ministry of Youth and Sports: Sameh Kamel a member of Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership, wins the presidency of the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth

In a special congratulations, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, through Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership, announced that the Egyptian otolaryngologist, Dr. Sameh Kamel, a member of the work team for the fourth batch of the Leader Gamal Abdel Nasser Fellowship, won the elections for the presidency of the United Nations Main Group for Children and Youth in New York, which is the largest youth gathering in the world with a membership of more than 8,500 international organizations, and has the capacity to negotiate international agendas on behalf of children and youth in the United Nations.
Sameh Kamel winning the position of international president comes as the second Arab in the history of the group and earlier, in 2012, he held the position of representative of the Middle East and North Africa in the same group, and he was witnessed by a prominent and distinguished performance during it, as he contributed to developing the vision of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Youth 2030 in addition to his contribution to the development of the Global Compact for Migration. He also participated in the negotiation of many international agendas, including the sustainable urban development agenda "Habitat 3" and the United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030, in addition to negotiating the three Security Council resolutions related to youth, peace and security, and other international agendas, according to the United Nations website:
In addition to being a member of the Selection Committee for Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership in its fourth batch and a current chairman of the External Relations Committee of the Arab Youth Platform for Sustainable Development, Dr. Kamel has participated for seven years since 2016 in the preparations for the high-level political forum in his capacity as responsible for reviewing Arab countries that submit voluntary national reports for sustainable development, in addition to the preparations for the United Nations Economic and Social Council Youth Forum.
For his part, Dr. Sameh Kamel indicated that the United Nations Group for Children and Youth was established on the recommendation of the "Earth Summit" in 1992 under the title Agenda 21, and the decision to establish it was officially activated during the United Nations General Assembly at Session No. 67 in accordance with Resolution No. 290 of the year 2012, pointing out that a number of high-level conferences are scheduled to start this year, among them: the Presidential Summit on Sustainable Development, Economic and Social Council Youth Forum, High level political forum, and another titled “The Future We Want Summit,” in addition to preparing for the launch of the United Nations Office for Youth.
It is noteworthy that Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership, in its fourth batch, received press sponsorship from the National Press Authority, in addition to obtaining political auspices from President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, President of the Republic for the third time in a row. This year it comes under the slogan “Non-Alignment Youth and South-South Cooperation” and is scheduled to be held next June.