Majada Hashem, Nasser International Leadership Fellowship graduate is a speaker on Palestinian Women's Day

Today, 26 March 2022, which is considered as the commemoration of Palestinian Women's Day, Majada Hashem, a member of Nasser Youth Movement, a graduate of the Nasser International Leadership Fellowship, lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Nagah National University, Palestine, representing Nasser Youth Movement of Palestine, participated in the initiative "Asira betsalem Aliek" as a Member of the Preparatory Committee in this initiative in cooperation with: Northern Asira Municipality, Alnotaqain Charity, and CARE International, which aim to invest Palestinian resources in Northern Asira such as natural, human, spatial and temporal resources and their cultural, tourist and economic development.
In this context, Nasser Youth Movement’s participation with a ceramic mural “The Protector of the House”, engraved by “Majada Hashem”, with its promising artistic brush, came with a pan-Arab vision that complements it and the Nasserist vision that promotes awareness and local energies in Palestine, in which the vision of the Palestinian Arab woman is, the guardian of the house and fire and the watcher of the Arab house, is manifested. It is a breath of artistic spirit in order to involve. art in the process of Palestinian awareness, steadfastness and challenge.
For her part, the visual artist Majada Hashim described her participation in Nasser International Fellowship, saying, "The experience gave me the momentum and human Arab cultural surge that were reflected into my works of art and community participation in Palestine, and I resolved to always take the initiative, be a volunteer and lead in society like my international friends in the elements of influencers in their societies from all the world.
Hashim concluded by noting that her experience with Nasser International Leadership Fellowship had led her to move and work towards the transfer of Palestinian society, to all mankind.