A dialogue session on “Justice of the Palestinian Cause” at the closing activities of the third day of the Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership

A dialogue session on “Justice of the Palestinian Cause” at the closing activities of the third day of the Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership
A dialogue session on “Justice of the Palestinian Cause” at the closing activities of the third day of the Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership
A dialogue session on “Justice of the Palestinian Cause” at the closing activities of the third day of the Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership
A dialogue session on “Justice of the Palestinian Cause” at the closing activities of the third day of the Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership
A dialogue session on “Justice of the Palestinian Cause” at the closing activities of the third day of the Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership

Today, Friday evening, the Ministry of Youth and Sports organized a dialogue session entitled "Justice of the Palestinian Cause" in the presence of Ambassador Nabil Fahmy, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, and moderated by Hassan Ghazali, General Coordinator of the Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership.

This came at the end of the activities of the third day of the late leader Gamal Abdel Nasser’s Fellowship for International Leadership- the third edition. The fellowship is organized under the auspices of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, with the participation of 150 young leaders from non-aligned and friendly countries, which is to held during the period from 31st May until June 17th, 2022 at the Engineering Authority House, Cairo under the slogan “Non-Aligned Youth and South-South Cooperation.”

Ambassador Nabil Fahmy, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, expressed his happiness to join this international youth gathering of youth leaders participating in the Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership, explaining that there is a basic factor in most of his ambitions on a practical and personal level, which is attaching a great interest to young people and empowering them, and that this international youth gathering discusses the issues of the era that do not stop at certain limits, as there are many issues, including poverty, extremism, economic conditions and many other issues that young people are currently pursuing. Fahmy explained that Egypt will host in November the International Climate Conference in Sharm El-Sheikh, which has an important impact internationally and Egypt's interest in international and global issues in parallel with regional issues in addition to the state's collective action in dealing with the existing challenges in the world.

In his speech during the closing session of the third day of the Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership, which was about the justice of the Palestinian cause, the former foreign minister tackled the history of the Palestinian cause, noting that it lasted for more than seventy years because it was an issue of right represented in the national and legitimate right of the Palestinian people to a state with sovereignty, enjoying stability and security with the countries of the region. He also reviewed the stages of negotiations that the Palestinian issue has gone through in the past, leading to what is being proposed at the present time, as he mentioned one of his situations with the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, who told him about the reason for his request for them to come because they do not have a specific agenda. Fahmy stressed that Egypt committed itself to the Palestinian cause even after the Egyptian-Israeli peace, and the consequent US-Israeli pressures, including through aid, but Egypt did not deviate from its stance. He also indicated that the backbone of stability and the basis for protecting the region is justice and law, noting that  if this is ignored, the region is subject to fragmentation, and thus the strength of the state will weaken.

The participants in the “Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership” addressed a number of questions, inquiries and inputs that were answered by Ambassador Nabil Fahmy, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, during the closing dialogue session of the activities of the third day of the fellowship, which came about the justice of the Palestinian cause. Then, the participants in the Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership took memorial photos amid the interaction, warm welcome and happiness from everyone in this distinguished session and the valuable information they obtained through that dialogue session.

Hassan Ghazali, General Coordinator of the Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership, in its third edition, indicated that the Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership aims to transfer the ancient Egyptian experience in consolidating and building national institutions, as well as creating a generation of young leaders from non-aligned countries with a vision in line with the South-South partnership, and raising awareness of the role of the South-South partnership as well as raising awareness of the Non-Aligned Movement historically and its role in the future, in addition to activating the role of the youth network of the member states of the Non-Aligned Movement NYN, and networking the most influential young leaders at the level of non-aligned countries and friendly countries.

Ghazali added that the Nasser Fellowship for  International Leadership gives an equal opportunity for both genders, as indicated by the fifth goal of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, as well as empowering young people and giving the opportunity for actors from different countries of the world to get closer to each other and establish partnerships in various fields, not only at the continental level but also globally as inducated by the seventeenth goal of the sustainable development goals.

It is worth noting that today a second session of the activities of the third day of the Nasser Fellowship for International Leadership, in its third edition, was organized under the title “The Role of the Press and the Media in Conflict Zones” in the presence of the journalist and media trainer Mohamed Zaidan, Ahmed Al-Ameed, a war correspondent and trainer of war journalism and risk management, and the journalist Osama El-Deeb.  Mobile Journalism Coach.