On the occasion of World Arabic Language Day

On the occasion of World Arabic Language Day

Nasser is the first to deliver a speech in Arabic before the United Nations

The late Gamal Abdel Nasser is the first leader to deliver a speech in Arabic at the 15th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in 1960, which was called the "Presidential Session" and during which Abdel Nasser, representative of the Non-Aligned Movement, delivered the first political speech in Arabic at the podium of the UN General Assembly.

In his statement to the UN General Assembly, Abdel Nasser touched upon the right to independence and the support to the legitimate authorities and governments. He supported an independent Palestine against the Israeli policies of occupation; he believed in the right of the Congo to elect a legitimate government and supported it at the international and UN levels. Nasser also did not forget to praise the role of the Egyptian Resistance Movement in the Canal cities to repel the Tripartite Aggression against Egypt in 1956.

It should be noted that Arabic is one of the four official languages of the African Union.

At the 190th Session of the Executive Board of UNESCO held in 2012, December 18 was chosen as the date for the Arabic language. 

Photo taken at the meeting referred to above

*Attached is the link to the official video of the speech delivered by leader Gamal Abdel Nasser before the United Nations General Assembly -(Speech starts at minute 3)- on the official website of the United Nations Library.