Nasser Youth Movement opens national memory file, coinciding with Arab Youth Year

Nasser Youth Movement opens national memory file, coinciding with Arab Youth Year

Dr. Shiha: The Shiha Foundation has taken upon itself the project of renewing the national memory based on its educational role

Ghazaly: We enhance the awareness of Arab youth and renew in them the spirit of human solidarity by reviving the national memory

In cooperation with the African Foundation for Development and Capacity Building and the Jamal Shiha Foundation for Education, Culture and Sustainable Development, Nasser International Youth Movement organized this evening a cultural event at the headquarters of the General Syndicate of the Egyptian Writers Union. It was in commemoration of the 65th anniversary of the Unity Day between Egypt and Syria, under the slogan “The Arab Solidarity Meeting, Peace be upon Damascus.” This came in the presence of Eng. Abdel Hakim Abdel Nasser, son of the immortal leader Gamal Abdel Nasser, General Emile Lahoud, former President of Lebanon, Dr. Kamal Shatila, President of the Lebanese People's Congress, Prof. Dr. Jamal Shiha, Professor of Medicine in Mansoura and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Shiha Foundation, and Dr. Hassan Ismail Musa, President of the Arab Organization for Human Rights in Austria, former Minister Kamal Abu Aita, Dr. Alaa Abdel Hadi, President of the General Syndicate of the Egyptian Writers Union, and anthropological researcher Hassan Ghazali, founder of the Nasser Youth Movement. 

On the other hand, the event was attended by about twenty leaders and speakers from the Arab countries, including Tunisia, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Palestine, Lebanon, Kuwait, and Iraq through video conferencing technology. Among them were Archbishop Atallah Hanna, Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Sebastia in Jerusalem, Dr. Ismail Al-Shatti, former Deputy Prime Minister of Kuwait, Dr. Osama Marouf Saad, Secretary of the Nasserite Popular Organization, Dr. Amal Wahdan, Coordinator of the Global Gathering to Support the Resistance, and Mr. Khaled Al-Sufyani, Head of the General Arab Community, the former deputy in the Tunisian parliament, Dr. Mubaraka Al-Brahi, and Professor Maan Bashour, the founding president of the Arab National Forum in Lebanon, Brigadier General Mustafa Hamdan, the leading body in the movement of the Independent Nasserites. 

Based on its educational and developmental role as a civil society institution,  Dr. Shiha  stated  the Shiha Foundation has taken upon itself the project of renewing the national memory coinciding with the year of Arab youth, with the aim of linking generations together so that we do not forget our heroes and our glorious events. He pointed out that the Foundation performs its national duty by preserving the national memory and reviving it through meetings, cultural events and seminars, stressing that this is not only a celebration of the past, but also a  reflection of the Arab project adopted by the Shiha Foundation. He also explained that this is an awareness of the Arab reality and an attempt to contribute  planning a bright future for its generations by raising  awareness of the current generations and strengthening their Arab identity. 

Abdel-Hadi said that based on the pioneering and national role of  Egypt, the political leadership of President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi and Egyptian people's stance, both the General Syndicate and  Secretariat of the Union of Arab Writers, support Syria and its brotherly people at all levels. He also pointed out the importance of restoring awareness and knowledge of our national heritage and raising the glance of young people and new generations towards its bright sides. 

In a related context, Abdul Hakim Abdel Nasser expressed his hopes that Syria would return to its distinguished position in the League of Arab States, and that its crisis would turn into a great breakthrough if the Arab countries gathered around it again.  He declared his solidarity with the Syrian people in their siege and difficult crisis following the devastating earthquake. He emphasized the necessity of opening the borders between the Arab countries, and granting  Arabs freedom of movement, calling on the peoples of the Arab world to work together towards Arab economic integration, and pointing out that the great responsibility that falls on every Arab in order to strengthen the Arab power and voice before the world. Furthermore, he pointed out that the Arab unity, which is represented in the unity of destiny, the unity of conscience, the unity of  language, the unity of hope, is an inevitable unity that pushes us to arm ourselves with courage in front of our enemies, and to build for its future.

In another context, Archbishop Atta Hanna, the Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Sebastia in Al-Quds Al-Sharif, expressed at the beginning of his speech his great appreciation for the Arab nation, which has not forgotten throughout history that Palestine is its first cause, thus sending to the Arab world a bouquet of flowers wrapped in the fragrance of the lands of Jerusalem. He called on the world to take the issue of Jerusalem and Palestine into priority and consideration, stressing that the Palestinian territories need our hands, solidarity and assistance in their struggle. He noted that its youth, marabouts, fighters and defenders refused but to write its history,  protecting its land, even with their blood, in the name of all Arabs. He also specified these words to every Arab: "who doesn't want the good for Jerusalem doesn't want the good for you too". 

Archbishop Atallah Hanna appealed to all the sons of the Arab nation to stand by the Syrian people who are suffering from the effects of the devastating earthquake. It is an occasion for remembrance and an affirmation of the need for unity among all Arabs and their first cause, which is Palestine, and the defense of Jerusalem, which is burning with the fire of the Israeli aggression that targets its Arab identity.

Through Zoom, former Lebanese President Emile Lahoud sent a message in which he emphasized the keenness of the Syrian leadership and President Bashar al-Assad to preserve Arab pride and dignity and to confront all conspiracies at home and abroad, including the conspiracies of the Israeli occupation.

 Meanwhile, participants, Omar Al-Hamidi, the Libyan activist and former coordinator of the Arab National Committee for Unity, Muhammad Al-Nimr, head of the Nasserist party, and Kamal Shatila, head of the Lebanese People's Congress, pointed out the importance of Syria's return to its Arab and regional position, and the need to organize Arab marches that go to Syria from all Arab countries and hold an Arab national conference in Damascus.

In the same context, Hassan Ghazali, the founder of the Nasser Youth Movement, explained that the movement adopts the thought of Gamal Abdel Nasser, “the project and the experience” in an integrated development context that seeks to benefit from the lessons of the past and formulates new concepts towards unity, nationalism and human solidarity. He pointed out that, in its societal and developmental participations in the field, the Nasser Youth Movement uses Gamal Abdel Nasser's project towards "productive economy and social justice" as an example through which the role of youth and their social responsibility towards their communities and countries is enhanced.
 "If in the soil our Unity we had not buried...If we had not with spears its soft body torn ...If inside the eyes and the hearts you stayed...The dogs wouldn't our flesh deemed. . .permissible,” Dr. Shiha concluded with the words of Nizar Qabbani, sending peace from Cairo to Damascus. Finally, the distinguished singer Ahmed Ismail and his artistic band concluded the event with a cantilena.