Happy Independence Day Kenya

Today, the Republic of Kenya celebrates its independence day, as Kenya gained its independence from the British occupation on December 12, 1963, and this day is considered as a double occasion. On this day, Kenya gained its independence in 1963, and became a republic in 1964. This day is celebrated with many activities, including political speeches and celebration of the country's cultural heritage, as the president addresses the people and rewards individuals in appreciation of their distinguished services provided to the country.
The close relations between Egypt and Kenya began since the period before the Kenyan independence, during which Egypt under President Nasser supported the "Mau Mau" movement, through an extensive media and diplomatic campaign against the British colonialism of Kenya, where Egypt made the "Mau Mau" issue an African issue, It sought the release of the Kenyan leader Jomo Kenyatta who was detained by the British occupation authorities in 1961.
A radio called "Voice of Africa" was also directed by Egypt to the Kenyan people to support them in their struggle to liberate their country, and it is the first radio station in the Swahili language broadcasted by an African country to support Kenya in obtaining its independence.
Egypt also continued its cooperation with Kenya at all levels, and the fraternal relations that brought together the brotherly Egyptian and Kenyan people emerged at a time of crisis. Cairo was the first capital to open its doors to receive Kenyan leaders and militants, and provided them with all possible assistance to revitalize their movement within Kenya, In addition to providing food, medical and technical assistance to the Kenyan people.
The Egyptian efforts succeeded in supporting the Kenyan struggle until Kenya gained its independence in 1963, Kenya became a republic in 1964, and "Jomo Kenyatta" became the first president of Kenya after independence, a diplomatic relations started with Egypt, and Kenya opened its embassy in Cairo.
In 1964, Egypt hosted the second African Summit, and during the conference sessions, President Abdel Nasser expressed his readiness to fully cooperate with Kenya and all African countries in order to enhance Africa's strength and develop its resources in a way that strengthens its unity. Abdel Nasser commissioned his Minister of Information, "Mohamed Fayek" to travel to Nairobi, and during the visit it was agreed to train a parachute battalion, and send Egyptian military experts to train the Kenyan army, after getting rid of the British forces present in the country, in addition to sending numbers of Kenyan officers to train in Egypt.
In this context, we recall the famous speech of President Jomo Kenyatta, "We will always remind Nasser that his support for Africa liberated many of its countries."