AFRICA GOVERNANCE INSIGHTS| Governance, Human Rights and Migration in Africa

The APRM is grateful for the profound contributions from the authors of the manuscripts that make up this publication, namely: Prof. Mutiu Abimbola Oyinlola, Ms. Engy Said, Dr. Satang Nabaneh, Ms. Nyasha Noreen Katsenga, Mr. Abozer Elligai, Mr. Robert Phiri, Ms. Luanda Mpungose, Prof. Paulin Mbecke and Dr. Angelita Kithatu-Kiwekete.Preliminary technical oversight was provided by the Editorial Committee of the African Governance Seminar Series (AGoSS). The Editorial Committee Members and their affiliated institutions included Prof. Anthoni van Nieuwkerk (University of the Witwatersrand (WITS)), Prof. Gilbert Khadiagala (WITS), Prof. Migai Akech (APRM), Dr. Elias Phaahla (University of Cape Town), Dr. Njeri Mwagiru (Institute for Futures Research), Dr. Chelete Monyane (WITS), Dr. Kambidima Wotela (WITS), Dr. Maria Madiope (University of South Africa), and Prof. Vusi Gumede (University of South
The publication was developed under the guidance of Dr McBride Nkhalamba, Director of the Governance and Specialised. Reporting Directorate of the APRM Continental Secretariat, and the Editor-in Chief.
Reviewing, editing and publication coordination was led by Ms Karabo Chadzingwa, Researcher at the APRM.The publication was supported by one of the APRM strategic partners – the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.