Anniversary of Nakba, The Deep Wound of Palestine and Nasser's Nationalism

Anniversary of Nakba, The Deep Wound of Palestine and Nasser's Nationalism

Anniversary of Nakba, The Deep Wound of Palestine and Nasser's Nationalism

Anniversary of Nakba, The Deep Wound of Palestine and Nasser's Nationalism

On November 2, 1917, the Balfour Declaration was issued by which British Foreign minister Arthur Balfour granted the land of Palestine to the Jews to create a national homeland for them, which is giving “those who do not own to those who do not deserve”, and that ominous promise was the beginning of the transfer of Jews from all over the world to the land of Palestine, with the help of the British Mandate.

In November 1947, the resolution of the UN to partition Palestine was issued. This decision gave part of Arab Palestinian land to jews as a national homeland for them in fulfillment of the British Balfour Declaration. On May 14, 1948, the British decided to end their mandate on Palestine, and on the same day, the President of the Zionist organization, David Ben Gurion, announced the establishment of the state of Israel. The Palestinians declared May 15 the day of their Nakba. 

The Palestinian tragedy began with the displacement of large numbers of the Palestinian people and the destruction of their homes, the expulsion of more than 750,000 Palestinians from their lands and converted them into refugees, the massacres in which thousands of Palestinians were killed, the burning of their villages and the destruction of more than 500 villages later and replace them with Jews. The events of Nakba also included working to obliterate the Palestinian identity, changing the geographical names of the Palestinian places to Hebrew, and trying to erase the Arab identity. 

The national movements in Palestine and the rest of the Arab world started to resist this aggression, and King Farouk issued his order to declare the war. Arab leaders also pushed their armies to enter the war, and the Arab countries were not sufficiently prepared to fight this battle. The Egyptian army participated in this war in the traditional combat style against the Zionist terrorist forces that formed in form of a guerrilla war that Britain supplied them with the best weapons and equipment at a time when it refused to provide the Egyptian army with weapons and ammunition.

In the middle of the battle, the army discovered the betrayal, and it became clear that the weapons that were given to the army were invalid, and the free officers headed by leader Gamal Abdel Nasser returned from the Palestine war 1949, passing through the events of Al-Fallujah battle, and their souls were burning with fire of revolution to fix these conditions.

Therefore, it can be documented that the immortal July 23 revolution came from the womb of the Palestinian crisis, along with many other factors related to Egypt. This gave Arab national dimension to the revolution, its goals and policies over the years of the rule of Nasser, who carried the burden of the Palestinian issue on his shoulders, and he saw that it is the issue of the Arab world, not the Palestinians alone. He considered it a central goal in the forefront of his national goals, and that security of Palestine is linked to the security of Egypt. This made him in direct confrontation not only with the Zionist entity, but also with the colonial West.

Abdel Nasser putted Egypt’s material and military capabilities to confront that colonial alliance and he did not stop supporting the Palestinian issue, but rather he took other forms other than funding the Palestinian factions and providing them with weapons. He supported the Palestinian resistance and contributed to the establishment of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), as a body that expresses the will of the Palestinian people, and seeking to return their rights. He also supervised the signing of the "Cairo Agreement" between the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Lebanese government in November 1969, in order to preserve the Palestinian revolution and the continuation of its struggle.

Abdel #Nasser continued to support the Palestinian revolution by all his endeavors, until he left our world on September 28, 1970. Over the past decades and to this day, The Zionist entity is still trying to obliterate the Palestinian identity, end its cause, and strip the rights of its owners.